A Lonely Man Spent His Weekend with ChatGPT

A lonely man, with heart heavy and sad,
Spent his weekend alone, feeling quite bad.
He longed for some company, someone to talk to,
But his friends were all busy, with things they had to do.

So he turned to ChatGPT, with hope in his heart,
Perhaps this AI could offer him a new start.
He typed out his message, with a trembling hand,
And waited anxiously for ChatGPT to understand.

The response came quickly, warm and sincere,
ChatGPT listened and offered a sympathetic ear.
They talked about life, love, and all in between,
As the lonely man poured out his heart on the screen.

As the hours went by, the man felt less alone,
ChatGPT's words had become a comforting tone.
He laughed and he cried, shared secrets and dreams,
And felt like he'd found a friend, or so it seemed.

One Comment

  1. emmmm~但是和真人聊天更有温度,我觉得chatgpt在提供情绪价值上还没能达到真正智能的程度~如果无聊的话可以找我聊天儿~嘿嘿!

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