你好 Welcome!
Hi! Welcome to my website. Some blogs are written in English, some in Chinese.…
Hi! Welcome to my website. Some blogs are written in English, some in Chinese.…
I stumbled upon an unexpected discovery. My former classmate has become something of a TikTok celebrity, with almost a million followers. I didn’t know he was a TikToker until I saw his channel recently by accident. He posted his first video shortly after I graduated. But now, just a year later, he’s thriving in a …
A lonely man, with heart heavy and sad,
Spent his weekend alone, feeling quite bad.…
The other day, I watched a video of a linguist talking about his motivation for learning multiple languages. The video wasn’t impressive, but it reminded me of my good old friend, Sherman, who is also a language enthusiast, and my roommate at UC Berkeley. It brought up some memories. We used to chat before sleep. …
周一的凌晨四点,我又睡不着了。 万幸的是,周一放假,因为是中秋节假期。…
The Brooklyn Nets is was my favorite team. But today they were swept by the Boston Celtics, 4-0. What a historical shame we witnessed on the Brooklyn Nets, and on Kevin Durant, on Kyrie. Where’s the heart, KD? You wasted Kyrie’s masterpiece in game 1. You such a sorry ass. I like the Nets because …
God’s Algorithm in his creatures.…
10 seconds in January 2019 …
For a little over a year, I’ve been using Alibaba Cloud (阿里云) to host my web server. It has done an excellent job. The user interface is well-designed, and the server machine never upset me. With all that being said, I’ve decided to switch to Tencent Cloud’s Lightweight Server (腾讯云) for the next three years, …
Read more “I Migrated My Website from Alibaba Cloud to Tencent Cloud”
我参加过一次管理学综合的考试,它最后要写一篇文章,题目给出一个社会问题,让考生做议论。 有一个作文题目我印象很深刻,题目叫“拔尖与冒尖”。试卷用一段话解释了一下这是什么意思:…